Metera Protocol's ISPO
Epoch 453 - 505
What is an ISPO?
An Initial Stake Pool Offering (ISPO) is a fundraising mechanism used by projects built on the Cardano blockchain to raise capital and distribute their native tokens.
It leverages the decentralized nature of Cardano's proof-of-stake (PoS) protocol, allowing project supporters to stake their ADA with a specified stake pool associated with the project in exchange for receiving the project's native tokens
How does an ISPO work?
Stake Pool Creation
The project sets up a stake pool on Cardano's blockchain, linked to its native tokens.
Token Distribution Ratio
The project decides how many tokens to distribute based on participants' ADA delegation.
Delegating ADA
Supporters delegate their ADA to the project's pool, aiding Cardano's security and earning native tokens.
Token Distribution
Tokens are given to participants according to their ADA delegation and the predetermined ratio.
ISPO Reward CalculatorCalculate your rewards using your stake key, if you contribute more you will have more rewards!